MyBatis Error – The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.
MyBatis 의 Mapper XML 파일에서 다음과 같은 오류가 발생 했다.
“The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.”
이는 SQL 연산자인 <, =, > 와 같은 엔터티가 MyBatis 문법과 혼동되서 나오는 문제다. 이럴때는 CDATA 를 적용해주면 된다.
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<select id="getCheckInDay" resultType="CheckInDayVO"> <![CDATA[ SELECT dayofweek, DATE(start_date) AS day, start_date, end_date, TIMEDIFF(end_date, start_date) AS worktime, CASE WHEN end_date is null OR TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,start_date,end_date) < 160 THEN TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,start_date,now()) ELSE TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,start_date,end_date) END workminute, CASE WHEN end_date is null OR TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,start_date,end_date) < 160 THEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,start_date,now())/480)*100 ELSE (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,start_date,end_date)/480)*100 END workpercentage FROM checkin WHERE username = #{username} AND DATE(start_date) = #{today} ]]> </select> |
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