~]$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_40"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_40-b26)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.40-b25, mixed mode)
~]$ java -jar jboss-eap-6.4.0-installer.jar -console
Select language :
0: eng
1: chn
2: deu
3: fra
4: jpn
5: por
6: spa
Please choose [-1] : 0
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. Red Hat, JBoss and the JBoss logo are registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay.
Select the installation path: [/opt/EAP-6.4.0]
press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay.
Select the packs you want to install:
1 [x] [Required] [Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform] (542.89 KB)
2 [x] [AppClient] (34.24 KB)
3 [x] [Required] [Bin] (10.99 MB)
4 [x] [Required] [Bundles] (1.01 MB)
5 [x] [Docs] (4.75 MB)
6 [x] [Required] [Domain] (125.56 KB)
7 [x] [Required] [Domain Shell Scripts] (17.35 KB)
8 [x] [Required] [Modules] (147.01 MB)
9 [x] [Required] [Standalone] (152.77 KB)
10 [x] [Required] [Standalone Shell Scripts] (14.16 KB)
11 [x] [Required] [Welcome Content] (2.11 MB)
12 [x] [Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Natives] (8 KB)
13 [x] [Native RHEL7 x86_64] (76 KB)
14 [x] [Native Utils RHEL7 x86_64] (53.04 KB)
15 [x] [Native Webserver RHEL7 x86_64] (254.97 KB)
Total Size Required: 167.11 MB
Press 0 to confirm your selections
Please select which packs you want to install
Pack Selection Done
press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay.
Create an administrative user
This user will be added to the host container's management realm for administrative purposes. It can be used to access the management console, the management CLI or other applications secured in this realm.
The password must be at least eight characters long, with one alphabetic character, one digit, and one non-alphanumeric character not including &.
Admin username: [admin]
Admin password: []
Confirm admin password: [**********]
press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay.
Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform comes with a series of quickstart examples designed to help users begin writing applications using the Java EE 6 technologies. Would you like to install quickstarts?
0 [x] No
1 [ ] Yes
Input Selection:
press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay.
Socket Bindings
Configure the socket bindings for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.
Select Port Configuration:
0 [x] Use the default port bindings for standalone and domain modes.
1 [ ] Configure an offset for all default port bindings.
2 [ ] Configure custom port bindings.
Input Selection:
If this computer is using a pure IPv6 configuration, please check the box below.
[ ] Enable pure IPv6 configuration
Input 1 to select, 0 to deselect:
press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay.
Server Launch
Choose server startup mode:
0 [x] Don't start the server
1 [ ] Standalone Mode
2 [ ] Domain Mode
Input Selection:
press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay.
Logging Options
Configure the logging levels for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform?
0 [x] No
1 [ ] Yes
Input Selection:
press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay.
Configure runtime environment
There are several additional options for configuring Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform now that the server has been installed. Each option can be individually chosen, and will be configured in the order displayed upon pressing next. Would you like to do this now?
0 [x] Perform default configuration
1 [ ] Perform advanced configuration
Input Selection:
press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay.
[ Starting to unpack ]
[ Processing package: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (1/15) ]
[ Processing package: AppClient (2/15) ]
[ Processing package: Bin (3/15) ]
[ Processing package: Bundles (4/15) ]
[ Processing package: Docs (5/15) ]
[ Processing package: Domain (6/15) ]
[ Processing package: Domain Shell Scripts (7/15) ]
[ Processing package: Modules (8/15) ]
[ Processing package: Standalone (9/15) ]
[ Processing package: Standalone Shell Scripts (10/15) ]
[ Processing package: Welcome Content (11/15) ]
[ Processing package: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Natives (12/15) ]
[ Processing package: Native RHEL7 x86_64 (13/15) ]
[ Processing package: Native Utils RHEL7 x86_64 (14/15) ]
[ Processing package: Native Webserver RHEL7 x86_64 (15/15) ]
[ Unpacking finished ]
[ Starting processing ]
Starting process Logging installation information (1/4)
IzPack variable state written to /opt/EAP-6.4.0/installation/InstallationLog.txt
Starting process Adding temporary admin user (2/4)
Exit code: 0
Command completed successfully.
Starting process Adding admin user (3/4)
Exit code: 0
Command completed successfully.
Starting process Unpacking natives (4/4)
Command success: cp -rP /opt/EAP-6.4.0/jboss-eap-6.4/modules /opt/EAP-6.4.0
Command success: cp /opt/EAP-6.4.0/jboss-eap-6.4/SHA256SUM /opt/EAP-6.4.0
Unpacking complete.
Create shortcuts in the Start-Menu (y/n) [y]:n
Installation has completed successfully.
Application installed on /opt/EAP-6.4.0
Would you like to generate an automatic installation script and properties file? (y/n) [n]:n
[ Console installation done ]